
Slurpee Run.

I can never finish these! Loooooook! I'm a big girl! Normally, I just get the smallest size you can because I know my eyes are bigger than my stomach... But, Whitney and Nicole were both getting this size and I didn't want to look stupid, so I did too.

I slurped the crap out of the slurpee. Yes I did. Grrrr! I feel so tough right now. Don't mess. ;)

(Simple minds, simple pleasures... What can I say? It doesn't take alot to make me happy.)

Also, I only get the clear cups if the flavor I'm getting works with the design/colors... and I have to get a straw that matches. If my flavor doesn't match the cup, then I have to get the paper ones... but my straw still has to match the cups design... Is that weird? Please tell me the rest of you do that? I just, I... like things to look pretty... :/



So, today wasn't very eventful... So I waited until it was 11:11 so I could A) make a wish and B) get a picture for today.


Sitting on my porch, eating grapes and watching the Sunset.

Moonlight Canoeing.

Thought you might enjoy the pictures I took from Moonlight Canoeing with the Summit Creek Branch.



Yeah, I got bored in the middle of spring cleaning, so I took a picture. See the dresser in my closest... Yeah... it use to be in my room... I moved it all by myself. Normally, that would be super easy... Not so easy now. I am quite proud of myself.

Oh! AND I'm going Moonlight Canoeing with the Branch tonight! I'm a little nervous about getting in and out of the canoe with my "little" balance problem...

Also, I found an old hat that I forgot I had... I got a little distracted...


My Bud.

If it hadn't of been for my buddy Howie, cuddling with me ever since I got home from work today, it would've been a very rough day.

Thanks Brock and Natalee for having Howie. (and Kaila).

Oh yeah, my puppy Lotte, love her too.



We had a brutal game of bowling today. Feelings were hurt. But as Brock would say, "A family that spares together, stays together."



So, almost every night, after I take out my contacts, I can never find my glasses. My eyes aren't that bad. I think my glasses have a stealth mode that I can't turn off. It's crazy. It gets kinda ridiculous. You would think by now that I'd find my glasses before I took out my contacts... I guess this proves how hard it is to break a habit.



Today I taught the Webelos how to Cup Stack. If you don't know what that is... well you should.


Cup Stacking= Awesome.
Cub Scouts=Awesome.
My Cub Scouts=Most AWESOME.

I think the fastest I've ever done it is like 15 seconds... something like that.


Boo. Both my sisters are gone.

Nicole left for the Trek this morning.

Natalee is in Peru.

They both can't use their phones.

I'm dying of boredom. Who in the heck am I suppose to talk to!?!?!

I miss my sisters.

The end.



So, I started this painting awhile ago, normally a painting this small wouldn't take me very long, but I just keep getting distracted by other projects. I know, I know. But, I figure, now that it's on my mind, I will finally finish it! YAY!




Toy Story 3

So today, Mom, Dad, Brock, Nik and I went to see TOY STORY 3! I know right. You're all jealous, but that's okay. But really, it was sooooo cute! I may or may not have cried at the end.
Afterwards, we went to IHOP for brunch. Yummy. We pretty much talked about Natalee the whole time! Miss you sister! I can't wait for you to be home from your South America trip in 2 WEEKS!



Today, my family went to SummerFest. It's honestly one of my favorite things about summer. I love how my family has so much fun together, they are honestly my best friends. :)



So, Sister Merrill (my branch president's wife) brought me this today. It's a journal for, "A Forty Day Journey Into The Garden of My Life." There's a scripture for each day, quotes and a letter from her. I don't know how she does it!
Honestly, I know I'd be lost without this woman (along with my mom, and a million other people in my life). She's been such an inspiration in my life. A couple days after I first found out about how my nerve got damaged, I got this package from an "anonymous" friend. It was projects for me to do for 2 weeks while I had to be in bed, along with a scripture everyday and a letter to me. I knew it was Sister Merrill, or at the very least she had TONS to do with it. She's honestly amazing, and I hope I can be somewhat like her one day.
She's so funny, on Sunday she was teaching the Sunday School lesson for someone. I really wanted to go to it, but it was Andy's farewell. But, right after he was done giving his talk, I bolted to the Branch so I could hear her lesson. It was halfway over when I got there, but the second I walked I knew she was giving the lesson. The chalkboard had scribbles all over and she had a million books everywhere, but most importantly the spirit was so strong. I love this woman and have such a strong bond with her. She's like me, her thoughts are all over the place. She joked about how I'm the only person who could decipher her lesson notes. She later told me about how nervous she was to give the lesson, but how she was so comforted when I walked in the room. But, this is so ironic to me, because I look up to her so much. She gives me strength when I don't really have any. I think I was late in the line to come down to earth, because we should've been sisters... and I was born in the wrong decade... One day, I was having a really hard time, a little over a month ago, and I was home alone and wasn't sure what to do, and she just called me and talked to me. I hope one day I can return the favor to her, or be a "Sister Merrill" in someones life.
I have such amazing people in my life and I'm so grateful for all I have. Life has been pretty hard. I'm trying to deal with things the best I can, but I feel I've lost alot of who I am through all of this. I can't do what I normally would, but I'm still learning. Thank you all for being patient with me.



So today was definately a thinking day. I know this may come as a shock, but I've been a little stressed lately. So stressed, that I think I'm making myself sick, I had to stay home today and just lay in bed. That normally would sound pretty nice, but when you've done that for 3 of the past 6 months, it's not all that.

But, I needed some extra strength, so I went for a drive around beautiful Cache Valley, then went to my temple. It's amazing how the second I am on the temple grounds, everything seems bearable again. I'm hoping I can keep getting through this, lately it feels like it's getting harder, but there's probably something I need to learn or do right now. I'm so grateful the temple is so close! There's so many close by! This past week I've walked on the Logan Temple grounds, Bountiful Temple grounds and the Salt Lake Temple grounds. I'm so very blessed.



I love coloring! That is all.
(This was taken at the Boy Scout Office... (whatever it's called) while I was waiting for my momma)


My friends ROCK.

(Davin Amundsen, Nichelle Allen, Amanda LaRue, Andy Pierucci)

Okay, honestly, I have some pretty amazing friends. Andy is leaving on his mission in a month. This kid is seriously amazing. He was baptized a year ago, and is pretty much a stud. This kid, wow, words cannot describe... I am honestly honored to be his friend.


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