About Me


Well, I'm 21, but I have a little obsession with Disney Princesses.... I have red hair, green eyes and freckles. Legit, I know.

I go to Utah State University. I'm majoring in Social Work and Family and Human Development. When I grow up, I want to work in a center for abused women and children, or work in a hospital as a grievance counselor. I'm pretty sure I'll love any job where I feel I'm actually making a difference. I mainly want to be a mom someday anyway... so we'll see how everything fits in together...

Hmmm... what else? I like turquoise. I like grapes. I like grapefruits. I like green beans. I love ice cream! I like Chinese, Italian and Indian Food. Oh, and BBQ. I pretty much like food. I don't really like Soda/Pop.

I lived in Oregon during my middle school years and part of high school. Then I moved to Utah, which is where I grew up. I think Cache Valley is THE BEST place on earth. I love everything about it. Well, except Winter is a little long...

I love taking pictures, drawing, painting, having red hair, smiling, photo strips, MUSIC, Lacrosse, awkward people, puppies, being stronger than people expect, crafts, how it smells after it rains, having an attractive man open my door, butterflies, star gazing, licking bowls after making dessert, having little kids sit on my lap, reading, LAUGHING, walks, mountains, rivers, lakes, THE OCEAN, Oregon, Seattle, singing really loud in cars, midnight runs to get food, Bingo, TEMPLES, Aggie Basketball, INSTITUTE, writing on whiteboards, Volleyball, thrift stores, being spontaneous, Fireworks, road trips, random dance breaks, pineapples, pretending to have road rage, Campfires, old couples who hold hands, skipping rocks, little kids, comfy clothes, Cooking, bubble wrap, back scratches, my hair played with, rainbows, Swedish Fish, Reese's, Lemon Heads, kisses in the rain or snow or kisses on my forehead, CHRISTMAS!, daydreaming, witty people, my middle name, bacon, fields of tulips, making new friends, seeing old friends, Moonlight Canoeing, quotes, old buildings, buying office supplies, traditions, holding hands, inside jokes, Sunrises & Sunsets, looooonnng hot showers, my freckles, flowers, Disney Movies, serving others, Church, My Singles Ward, Relief Society, Friends, and of course my FAMILY!


On January 4th, 2010 I was in a sledding accident and hit a tree. I broke 8 ribs, all on the right side, 3 back bones, dislocated my left hip, and bruised/punctured/deflated my left lung. I had to have surgery on my hip, but there were complications from my nerve being damaged during surgery. So now, my left foot/ankle is paralyzed.

My most recent surgery was the possible replacement of my sciatic nerve. It was a 5 hour surgery, but after they removed the scar tissue that had embedded into my nerve and compacted my nerve, they tested my nerve and conduction was able to go through. So if my nerve can/wants heal, it has the best possible chance because it's best to have your own nerve.

Now, it's just patience and time. But, it is quite weird living with this. I can feel most of my leg, I have some areas that are numb or the feeling is off. It's been a crazy, interesting, hard, trying, faith building experience, but this blog is to document all of my experiences. Hence, my blog, The Peg Leg Diaries. But, I'm so very blessed, this experience/transformation has been nothing short of a miracle. I used a walker for a long time, then I started therapy and went from a walker, to crutches, to a cane, to nothing. (Nothing meaning I don't need anything to walk, but I have a limp. Nothing, also means my giant plastic brace that's on my leg, that makes it so I seem normal. Nothing past walking yet, but I'm attempting to jog again... )

Now, I'm just adjusting to my new life. It's hard and I have to relearn how to do everything but I'm getting there because of all the amazing people in my life. This blog is to help me document this crazy time in my life.

Life is different, still good, just different.
Much love. -Belle.


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