

So the Branch activity for tonight was suppose to be night games. After arriving at the activity, Davin, Bob, Zack and I thought we would spice things up a bit. So, we left and bought water guns. And so, the water fight was born. You can't really tell in the picture, but I definately got the worst of all of it. Brother Humpherys and Tyler dumped a cooler of ice and water on me. Also, I was the main target because I trash talked the whole time, took a shot at almost everyone... but most importantly I can't run away from you, so I'm an easy target. But, don't feel bad for me I definately deserved it. It was my idea anyway.

It was an awesome night. I love summer.


  1. This soooo makes me nostalgic about the branch.

  2. YOU ARE GREATLY MISSED!!! Come back anytime... all the time... How about you just come back! Brillant.



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