
Friday, July 30, 2010

Chiami's Utah Wedding Reception!
Chiami Tawzer, now Chiami Nelson, is a friend from Oregon who got married earlier this month in Oregon. It was fabulous to see her and her family. Her family is honestly amazing! We love them so much, they have gone through so many trials, the main one, having sweet Kaylee pass away in a car accident 3 years ago. But, they have gone through this unbelievable trial with grace and faith. They have strengthened my testimony of the truth that families are forever! Thank you Tawzer Family for all you do for others! LOVE YOU! And, Chiami looked AMAZING! But, this girl is the definition of gorgeous. :)

I couldn't decide what picture to put up...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

YUMMY!!! Someone left me cookies on my doorstep! ...and by someone, I mean Whitney... because she called me asking me what kind of cookies I liked an hour before... Thanks Whitney! and her accomplices... Whose identities were not so obvious... but no worries, secrets aren't kept from me very long. I'm seldom surprised.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010.

So, my really good friend Heather Tisdale is leaving! :( She's going to be a nanny for a year in Maryland. I'm sad to see her leave, but I'm sooooo excited for her! It's going to be such an awesome experience. Today was her goodbye party! We all are going to miss her so much. Everyone loves Heather, and she is always such an amazing friend to everyone. She definately will make a great nanny! A modern Mary Poppins. She's an amazing girl and I love her mucho mucho!

(Oh, my friend Heidi, made these AMAZING treats. Cupcakes baked inside Ice Cream cones! I KNOW RIGHT!?!!! A-MA-ZING.)


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bahaha. Okay, so this is more of an inside joke with me and my little sister, Nicole. There's this YouTube video.... (click on link)
Ace Venture Saves a Guinea Pig YouTube Video! BAHAHAH!
... that we always watch. It's great.

But, I was done with all my projects at work so I just started sanitizing the toys and books and came across this gem... and it made me laugh and remember all of the great times I've had with my sisters. Speaking of sisters... we're having girl talk... so *pause* I gotta go....


Monday, July 26, 2010

 Night hike/devotional with The Branch.

I kinda miss the good old days when hiking wasn't extremely painful and life threatening...

Don't get me wrong, it was AWESOME and TONS of fun. But hiking is quite a task when one foot is paralyzed... hmmm... queer.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Church, reading and napping. Ahhh....Good Sunday.

It would be advantageous to your health, NOT to ask me how many times I've read this book.

Saturday, July 24, 2010.

Today was Kathleen's birthday. (She's my Grandma's cousin-we're all pretty close, considering we're not "close relatives", I just consider her one of my Aunt's) We went to Maddox! YUMMMMM! Then we went to Lynette's house after for cake and ice cream. It was a good day with family.

Oh, this picture is of Kale, at Maddox, "sucking his brains out" with his straw! Hahaha.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Me, Nicole and my Mom went to the Ogden Pioneer Days to watch Kale, (my cousin's son) with his Mutton Bustin! He did such a good job! He got Third Place!!! AWESOME! It was tons of fun!

Fun Pictures!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

This is my puppy. I love my puppy.

Life is good. Really good. Actually, it's been kinda rough lately, but I have to remind myself of the countless blessings I have, big and small... it's not hard to get caught up in thinking about all the things I'm blessed with. After that, I feel silly for being down.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You know, it's days like today that you really need those tender mercies.

Like... Baby Liv...
Or... Hanging out with Kids all day....
Or... An amazing sunset...
Or... Having friends buy you a smiley-face balloon and a flower when they know you need it.

I'm a spoiled little girl.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010



A good summer treat. Also, one of the only things that didn't make my sickness worse.

OH! Brandon Streator and Whitney Despain got married today.

Brock and Natalee got married 4 years ago today.

YAY FOR LOVE! ... and Otter-Pops!


Monday, July 19, 2010

HAHAHAHA! Okay, I just filled my prescriptions so everything is doubled.... It looks like a ton!

But it's still nothing compared to a few months ago.

One talent I have gained from this whole experience, besides my pain tolerance level increasing to Superman status, is I can actually swallow pills. Before my accident I would do anything to avoid it, and it would take me chugging a whole glass to get one pill down... Now, I can swallow all 7 I have to take at night with one tiny sip.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Branch Music Fireside at my house!

It's probably one of my favorite Branch traditions. That, and Moonlight Canoeing, the Branch Camp Out (ha ha... a camp out in the Merrill's backyard), The Merrill's Christmas Trains, having a bazillion callings... okay there are alot of traditions I like... But that happens when you have been going there longer (on and off) than most of the people there...



All I did today was feel sick, work on crafts, feel sick, post crafts on my blog, feel sick, clean, feel sick, work on my blog for my crafts, feel sick...



FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2010

I won a Jones Soda for being the Early Bird to the Relief Society Activity. Yes.


Thanks Sis!

So, I definately forgot to take a picture today. But I'm cheating, or a guess finding a loophole because Natalee took this one on her phone today...


So the Branch activity for tonight was suppose to be night games. After arriving at the activity, Davin, Bob, Zack and I thought we would spice things up a bit. So, we left and bought water guns. And so, the water fight was born. You can't really tell in the picture, but I definately got the worst of all of it. Brother Humpherys and Tyler dumped a cooler of ice and water on me. Also, I was the main target because I trash talked the whole time, took a shot at almost everyone... but most importantly I can't run away from you, so I'm an easy target. But, don't feel bad for me I definately deserved it. It was my idea anyway.

It was an awesome night. I love summer.


Tuesday JULY 13, 2010

I've been really missing lacrosse lately. I played the other day... well more like I threw the ball around... I still can't really run yet... YET. But, it made me miss it SOOOOOO bad. It's a good thing I know my stick well, I can't run but I can definately catch difficult shots. One day, I'll play a real game again. :)



I'm not actually as bored as I look...

Here's me and Nik editing some of the photo's her and her little friend took. Nicole's really good at the whole model-ness... She wasn't to happy with her friend's photography skills, so it looks like tomorrow I'll be taking pictures of my little sister. It's quite fun actually.

It would be nice if I had a real camera.... But I'm too poor for that. Look's like I'll have to rely on my raw artistic talent. Just kidding. :)

P.S. I love my sisters.


SUNDAY JULY 11, 2010

My Daddy is pretty much amazing. I wish you could see how amazing our yard is.

He does it all, he does it all...


Yes. My Grandpa is that cool.


Thank You Video

So most people would spend their Friday night partying, dating or other shenanigans...

Nichelle makes video's. It was my first one... and it wouldn't let me save it... Which is quite frustrating after all the work I put into it. But, it's on YouTube. So, if you would like to see it, there's a link below.

It's a Thank You video...
So, Thank You to everyone who has helped me get through the first half of 2010...


If that doesn't work....



Regional YSA Activity at the Aquatic Center.


Institute always helps me feel better, today was no different. :)

"And oh, what joy and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!" -Alma 36:20


Volleyball and A&W!



Great day. Went to lunch with some friends, then had a family barbeque and played bingo. :)
It's not my birthday unless there is some sort of Disney Princess item...
My birthday cake. I had fun decorating it...
My Bingo Prizes!

Well, that was my birthday! Thanks everyone for making the past 21 years amazing! I'm looking forward to many many more.... :D



Goodbye, 20... Hello, 21!


Cruise-In with Oregon Friends!


I've missed a week worth of putting up pictures, so I'm pretty sure this was Friday... it was at least around Friday...

This cute little couple were riding their motorized wheel chairs down the road. By the time I got my camera they were almost home, so I didn't get a picture of them together. But, it was sooooo cute!


Mom's Concert.

My amazing mother had another wonderful concert. She's in the choir that Craig Jessop directs up here in ol' Cache Valley. (American Festival Chorus.) Tonight was "An American Tribute". It was fantastic! Peter Cetera was the guest artist for this show. (For those who don't know, he was in the band Chicago before he went solo.)


Oops. I'm a day late, but this did in fact take place yesterday.

Football with the Branch. I did not play. Why? I cannot run. I was an excellent cheerleader though.

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